March 23, 1673.

In the name of God, Amen, the three and twenty day of March.

I, Robartt Calvartt of Ridmore in the parish of Wensley, being sick in body
but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to
remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life, and that all
flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call, do make,
constitute, ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner
and form following, revoking and annulling by these presents all and every
testament and testaments, will and wills, heretofore by me made and
declared, either by word or writing, and this is to be taken only for my
last will and testament, and none other.

And first, being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins
past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my
soul unto Almighty God, my Saviour and Redeemer, in whom by the merits of
Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have full
remission and forgiveness of all my sins, and that my soul with my body at
the general day of resurrection shall rise again with joy, and through the
merits of Christ's death and passion .possess and inherit the kingdom of
Heaven prepared for his elect and chosen, and my body to be buried in the
church or churchyard of Wensley.

And now for the settling of my temporal estate and such goods, chattels and
debts as it hath pleased God, far above my deserts, to bestow upon me, I do
order, give and dispose the same in manner and form following, that is to

First, I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in right or
conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well
and truly contented [and] paid within convenient time after my

Item, I give to my son John Calvartt twenty pounds.

Item, I give to my son Frances Calvart five shillings.

Item, I give to my son James Calvart twenty pounds, and one cupboard
in the hall house, and one feather bed in the parlour, and all the
furniture belonging to it, and one panel chest, and one chair that is
in the parlour.

Item, I give to my four sons all the rest of my pewter and brass,
bedding and linen, and all other household goods whatsoever, only the
iron racks excepted to my son Henry Calvart.

Item, I give all the rest of my goods, lands and tenements [and]
chattels whatsoever to my son Henry Calvart, whom I make my whole
executor of this my last will and testament.


  Mic. Butterfeeld                     Robert Calvert
  Mathew Butterfeild                   [seal]

Administration Bond in the estate of Robert Calvert, 21 June 1679 [Latin] Know all men by these presents that we, Henry Calvert of Ridmer in the County of York, Yeoman, and Richard Butterfeild of West Witton in the aforesaid County, Yeoman, are held and firmly obliged to the Reverend Father in Christ and Lord, the Lord John, by Divine Permission Bishop of Chester, and also to the venerable master Joseph Cradock, Knight, Doctor of Laws, lawfully appointed Commissary in and throughout the Archdeaconry of Richmond in the Diocese of Chester, in the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England, payable to the same Reverend Father and the aforesaid Commissary or to their certain attorneys, their executors, administrators, successors or assigns; and we firmly oblige ourselves and each of us for himself for the whole and altogether, our heirs, executors and administrators, well and faithfully to make this same payment, by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Given the 21st day of the month of June, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and seventy nine. [English] The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden Henry Calvert do well and truly execute, perform, fulfil and keep the last will and testament of Robert Calvert, late of Ridmer of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, deceased, in paying his debts and legacies so far as his goods will extend and law shall bind him; if also he do exhibit into the Registry of the said Archdeaconry a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, catties, chattels and debts which were and did belong unto the said deceased, and make a true and just account of the premises when he shall be lawfully called thereunto; and (if need require) enter into such further bond, with more sufficient sureties for performance of the premises, as the Commissary of the said Archdeaconry for the time being shall think meet and requisite; and lastly, do save, defend, and harmless keep the above named Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of Chester, and Commissary aforesaid, and all other their officers and ministers, against all persons by reason of the premises, that then this present obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to stand, remain and be in full power, strength, force and virtue. [Latin] Signed, sealed and delivered Henry Calvertt [Seal] in the presence of us Mich. Butterfeild [Seal] Will. Drummond [Another signature illegible]
[Latin] At Richmond, the 21st June 1679, before the discreet gentleman Thomas Robinson, cleric, substitute of the venerable master Joseph Cradok, Knight, Doctor of Laws, lawfully constituted Commissary, this present testament was and is proved, and administration of all and singular the goods, rights, credits, cattle and chattels, which belonged to the same deceased at the time of his life and death, being within the aforesaid Archdeaconry, was and is committed to Henry Calvert, the son of the deceased and the sole executor named in the same, he first [being sworn on the holy Gospels], saving [the right of any other person], entering into a bond etc., the inventory amounting to the sum of £18. 18. 8., in the presence of me Wil. Drummond Notary Public
The true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels that was Robert Calvert's, late of Ridmer of the parish of Wensley, deceased, and 'prised by us four men, viz. Michell Butterfield, Robert Tunstall, Mathew Butterfield, Willyum Umfray, the tenth day of June Anno Domini 1679, as followeth: £. s. d. Imprimis, his purse and apparel, 'prised at 3. 6. 8. Item, one cupboard 'prised to 1. 0. 0. Item, one pair of racks 'prised to 0. 4. 0. Item, two chairs, four stools, one little chair, six cushions, two spouts (?), one dripping pan, one smoothing iron, one Bible book, all these being in the hall house and 'prised to 1. 7. 0. Item, one tester bed with the materials, one table, one panel chest, one chair 'prised to 6. 0. 0. Item, one little chest with all the pewter and linen, all these being in the East Chamber and 'prised to 2. 0. 0. Item, one bed and materials, with all the rest of the bedding, 'prised to 3. 0. 0. Item, one chest with all the wooden vessels and wooden instruments, 'prised to 1. 1. 0. Item, one kettle with all the instruments of brass there being in the West Chamber, and 'prised to 1. 0. 0. £. s. d. The whole sum 18. 18. 8. Mich. Butterfield Robart Tunstall Mathew Butterfeild William Humfray