Will of Margaret Calvert of Redmire 1688

In the name of god. Amen, I Margarett Calverte weak in body but of
perfect memory (praised be god for it) do make and ordaine this my last
will and testament in the manner and form following:

Imprimis, I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God, my maker and
redeemer, hoping through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus
Christ to receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and my
body to be buried in the churchyard of Wensley.

Item, I give to my daughter Elizabeth my new black gown, one red
petticoat, one blue petticoat, one say apron and one muslin apron and
two plain handkerchiefs and one white hood, and the rest of my wearing
clothes I give to my two younger daughters, Jane and Katharan.

Item, I give to my son Henry one table and frame thereunto belonging
standing in the west chamber and one dresser table standing in the
forehouse and two shillings sixpence in money.

Item, I give the profit of my lease to my daughter Jane and my daughter
Katharan towards their maintenance in bringing up and to find clothes
for my son Edward during his apprenticeship, and if any thing remains
over and above bringing up as aforesaid to be equally divided amongst
my four children Edward, Elisabeth, Jane and Katharan.

Item, I give the rest of all my goods and chattels to my son Edward, my
daughter Elisabeth, my daughter Jane and my daughter Katharan, to be
equally divided amongst them, my daughter Elisabeth to be paid her
share at the end of three years after my decease, and the rest to be
paid as they reach the age of twenty and one years.

Item, I make and ordaine Francis Calverte of Ridmire the whole and sole
executor of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal
the 20th day of June in the fourth year of the reign of sovereign Lord
James the second by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France
and Ireland defender of the faith. Anno Domini 1688.

Sealed and signed in the
presence of us -                        Margaret Calvert  [seal]

  Henry Calvert
  John Thornton
  Elizabeth Thornton
  Her mark - ET

Administration Bond in the estate of Margaret Calvert [Latin] Know all men that by these presents we, Francis Calvert of Redmer in the County of York, fellmonger and Henry Calvert of Redmer in the aforesaid county yeoman, are held and firmly obliged to the Reverend father in Christ and Lord, the Lord Thomas, by devine permission Bishop of Chester, and also to the venerable master Thomas Cradock lawfully appointed commissary in and throughout the archdeaconry of Richmond in the sum of two hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England, payable to the same Reverend Father and the aforesaid commissary or to their certain attorneys, their executors, administrators, successors or assigns; and we firmly oblige ourselves and each of us for himself for the whole and altogether, our heirs, executors and administrators, well and faithfully to make this payment, by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Given this llth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty eight. [English] The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Francis Calvert do well and truly execute, perform, fulfil and keep the last will and testament of Margaret Calvert his sister late of Redmer aforesaid within the archdeaconry of Richmond, deceased, in paying all her debts and legacies so far as her goods will extend and law shall bind; If also he do exhibit into the registry of the said archdeaconry a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, rights, credits, catties and chattels which were and did belong to the said deceased and make a true and just account of the same when he shall be lawfully called thereunto and (if need require) enter into such further bond with more sufficient sureties for performance of the premisis as the commissary of the said archdeaconary for the time being shall think requisite and needfull; and lastly do save, defend and harmless keep the above named Lord Bishop of Chester and commissary aforesaid and all other their officers and ministers against all persons by reason of the premises then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue. [Latin] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Fran Calvert [Seal] Wil Drummond Henry Calvert [Seal]
A true and perfect inventory of all the goods, cattle and chattels belonging to Margaret Calvert of Ridmire late deceased, 'prised by four men whose names are underwritten. Imprimis, her purse and apparrell 2 0 0 Item, 3 kine, 1 twinter, 2 stirkes and 2 calves 10 0 0 Item, one mare 3 0 0 Item, 11 ewes, 9 other sheep and 10 lambs 6 0 0 Item, the profit of my lease 30 0 0 Item, In the parlour: 1 stand bed, 1 trindle bed one table 2 chairs with other things 1 16 0 Item, In the forehouse: 1 cupboard, 2 tables with chairs stools and other things 1 16 0 Item, In the milkhouse: 1 little table with shelves and other things 0 4 0 Item, In the lowhouse: 1 cheese trough and one cheese press with other things 0 5 0 Item, In the east chamber 2 beds 4 chairs one spinning wheel with other things 2 0 0 Item, Wool 1 0 0 Item, three feather beds with other bedding and linnen 7 6 0 Item, Brass vessels and pewter with other implements of iron 3 14 4 Item, Beef, Bacon and cheeses 0 10 0 Debts own to party deceased Mr James Lightfoote 20 0 0 Debts own by the party deceased In funeral expenses 1 11 0 To ye Marquis of Winchester 21 0 0 to William Spenseley 0 1 9 to William Jackson 0 13 0 to Francis Harrison 0 7 0 to John Calvert 0 2 0 to Luke Yarker 0 5 0 to William Cawpland 0 0 0 to Hannah Marhill 0 10 0 to Henry Calvert 0 2 6 to Mr Lodge 0 10 0 to ? [scribbled out] 25 02 7 [signature illegible] Henry Calvert George Tirry his mark T John Thornton