In the name of god Amen the svetente day of January 1666 according to the computation
of the Church of England, I James Calvert of Ridmer in the Countie of York, yeoman, 
being in perfect memory and remembrance praised be god do make and ordaine this my 
last will and testament in manner and forme forllowing, viz:

First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god my maker hoping that 
through the meritorius death and pashon of Jesus Christ my onely saviour and redemer
to receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sinns and for my body to be buried
in the christian buriall at the discretion of my executor hereinafter nominated.

Item, I give to my daugter Margrett thre pounds ten shillings four pence and four
calves and one cuppart and four [] of plate and a share of the household goods besides
and my executor to give his [] for his life and my will is that John Bearparke of
Ridmer should take it goods monies and household goods al into his paurs for the
cherishing and nourishing his by in his wants as she and hee thinks it best for her

Item, I give to my daughter Darithe and my Jane all my other quicke goods and to 
be equale shares at the household goods and the goods to be [] with the hay till 
Lady day next and further as they think fit.

Item, I give James Ashburne my grandchild twentie shillings.

Item, I give all the rest of my housses, leases, lands and tenements I give to my 
son John upon condition that he shall bring me forte out of the goods and chattles
and hay excepting Margrit's share and I doe make my son John sole executor of 
this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare 
above written.

/James Calvert/ [seal]

/Henry Bearparke/
/Thomas Burniston/
/Francis Calvert/
/Ralph Robinson/

Administration Bond [Latin] Know all men by these presents that we, John Calvert of Ridmer in the County of York, Yeoman, and George Crawe of Richmond in the County of York, Yeoman. [...] December 1667 Signed, sealed and delivered /John Calvert/ in the presence of us /Geo: Crawe/ /Jer. Haggitt/ /Will. Drummond/ [English] The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden John Calvert do well and truly execute, perform, fulfil and keep the last will and testament of James Calvert, late of Ridmer in the County of York, deceased and pay all debts so far as [...] as law shall bind him; if also he do exhibit into the Registry at Richmond a true and perfect inventory of all the goods of the said deceased, and make a true and just account of the premises when he shall be thereunto lawfully called; and if need require enter into such further bond for performance of the premises, as the Comry. of the said [] shall think requisite and needfull and lastly, do save, defend, and harmless keep the earlier named Right Reverend Father in God George the Lord Bishop of Chester, the Rt. worshipful Sr. Joseph Cradock his Comry., and all other their ministers and [] of the [] obligation to vbe void or else to remain in full force.

A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels and of James Calvert Senuer of Ridmer of the Countie of Yorke who died the twentie day of January in the yeare of our god 1666. £. s. d. Imprimis, his purse and apparel, 'prised at................ 1. 13. 4. Item, three cowes and four calves.......................... 9. 4. 0. Item, four steares......................................... 2. 0. 0. Item, the hay.............................................. 4. 3. 4. Item, ten woole skins...................................... 0. 13. 0. Item, ledder wrought and unwrought......................... 2. 0. 0. Item, woole fine and course................................ 0. 19. 0. Item, corne in the barne................................... 0. 6. 8. Item, yules?............................................... 0. 6. 8. Item, al smale? wood vessell............................... 0. 10. 0. Item, all the bras vessell................................. 0. 10. 0. Item, all the bed stocks ... is three... .................. 0. 8. 0. Item, one chirne and calle?................................ 0. 6. 0. Item, one cubbert and two yards of wov cloth............... 1. 12. 0. Item, all the beding....................................... 2. 0. 0. Item, one spining wheele four stooles and one cheare....... 0. 2. 6. Item, one [spete don reckons??] and a pare of tongs........ 0. 5. 0. Item, one legacy to granchild.............................. 1. 0. 0. Item, three pounds and ten to Margrit my daughter wich my Executor is to pay Item, debts owne to the deceased four pounds ten shillings Item, debts owne by the deceased for his funirall expensis three pounds 'prased by us four men whoes names are under written the 30 day of January 1666 Christopher Gaile Robert Calvert Thomas Burniston Ralph Robinson
[latin] 18 December 1667 ... God Joseph Cradock ... Jer. Haggitt. Notary Public.
[Latin] At Richmond, the [?] 18th? December 1667, in .... James Calverte [] of Ridmer ... John Calverte natural son ... John Calverte his executor ... inventory amounting to the sum of £26 in the presence of me